5 Ways to Beat Those Winter Blues

I don’t know about you, but winter can get old really fast – often times bringing on some strong cabin fever and gloomy feels. I do love bundling up and the coziness winter brings too, but this Georgia girl is used to short winters, so these long winter months can be tough! If you’re like me, then you know what I’m talking about! In order to beat those winter blues, I do anything and everything to perk up my mood. Read on for some of my top tips on how to shake off the winter blues.

1. Treat Yo Self

Although I don’t think you ever need a specific reason to treat yourself, winter is the ultimate time for some well deserved “me time”. Go get yourself a mani-pedi (or give yourself one at home), take a bubble bath, do your hair, listen to some music, put on a face mask, etc. I feel my best when I look my best, even if I don’t leave the house. A little self care can go a long way in boosting your mood and making you feel better!

2. Get Outside

Okay, okay, who wants to get outside when it’s freezing cold?! I know this can be tough, but trust me on this one. Gloomy or not, ditch the Netflix binge on the couch, bundle up and go for a walk (even for just 15-30 min). A little fresh air and some exercise will improve your mood – HEELLOOO endorphins!

3. Schedule a Date

When I start to get serious cabin fever, I try and reach out to my girlfriends to schedule a little outing. This can be anything from lunch to a quick coffee date. This not only gets you out of the house, but it also gives you something to look forward to. It’ll feel good to catch up and chat … and you can even plan your next beach getaway! 😉

4. Take Advantage of those Sunny Days

This one kind of goes along with #2, but it’s an important one. Whenever you see sunshine on the forecast or you’re fortunate enough to get a break in the clouds randomly one day, GO OUTSIDE! You need to soak up that Vitamin D while you can! Even if you can’t bring yourself to step outdoors, at least grab a book and sit by the sunny window.

5. Cozy on Up

As mentioned before, one of the things I DO love about winter is feeling ultra cozy! Who doesn’t? One of my favorite things is to put on a big sweater, pajama pants and fuzzy socks and nestle up on the couch with a cup of warm tea or hot chocolate. I also try and take some time to turn off the TV or read a good book (studies show that reading relaxes you and is a good stress reliever) or I use that downtime to plan my next vacay for the warmer months ahead. Have a fireplace? Even better for feeling super warm and snuggly in winter!

Now some of these may seem like no-brainers, but each of these things really work for me. It can be hard for me to adjust to these long German winters, so I make the best of what I can. Anyone else have any tried-and-true tips for beating the winter blues?